I've been meaning to blog for some time about re-encountering some semblance of "balance" in our lives as of late. There was a popular book out a few years ago on leadership called "The Tipping Point" and that is actually not what this blog is about. Instead, it is more about finding that place again in my life where I feel like spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically I am healthy and happy again-instead of feeling like any small thing could "tip" me over the edge emotionally/mentally/spiritually/etc.
For awhile we'd been working so hard and for so long that we had very little time to worry about anything other than our new baby northstar. It's a complete oxymoron (I like this word and use it often) for someone in ministry to allow the work of ministry to overtake them (aren't we supposed to be a picture of health in our overall lives) but we are just as human as the next and the work load is pretty big. Thankfully, however, it's always been our families goal to regain what we had developed in our lives in Chicago. A healthy blend of what we needed to be healthy and whole in every area of our lives personally and as a family.
I feel like I am finally staring to find "me"again and man that feels so good! As our house is now "established" and we're putting roots down into a community we don't see ourselves leaving for a very, very long time. We of course want to plant more churches down the road, but our vision is simply to send people from within our midst to go into the communities God has put on their heart and continue starting new churches. We don't see ourselves, however, being the ones to leave but rather to send.
I think for me, as a woman, to know that we are in a place where I can settle in, put down my roots, and get comfortable for a very long time there comes a sense of wanting to establish my life in such a deep, meaningful way here. I recently joined a mom's group in our community and I love it. I love that I am meeting such fabulous ladies who are SO hospitable and have already become fast friends to me. I also love that Aiden is meeting other little kids in the area that he'll likely be in grade school, sports, etc. with. It's any woman's dreams to have a healthy, happy family life being established and I see so many things I am excited to do now and look forward to being a part of in the future. I definitely want to be in the PTA and to be that mom that helps in the classroom. I love that kind of stuff and the connections it helps me to make with so many great people.
Along with making great personal connections in our new hometown, we have recently been blessed to be gifted with a membership to the YMCA. I have been someone who has always had a membership to a work out club and it was hard for me to go without that for the last year or so. For me, it's a way to outlet stress and to keep some of my melancholy tendencies at bay. It's very easy for my personality to be introspective and get caught up in my thoughts, so, it's important for me to get my serotonin pumping and moving through my body regularly (especailly in the winter!). It just makes me feel good, even if I am by no means a great athlete or fitness guru. It's also just time for "me" something that my personality thrives in. I love having alone time, especially as a mom and being in ministry, something that is purely "selfishly" for myself. I also love being able to pretend I am not in the Arctic when I sit in a warm hot tub and look outside on a sunny day. It immediately boosts my spirits! Even if I do LOVE being back in my little Arctic home state that has white mountain snow banks all around us right now!
I am so thankful to be re encountering my "blend" or balance of healthy, happy living again. It's so important to me that I have time for prayer and meditation, reading the Bible and other books that challenge my thinking, having time with other women in the same life stage, and having time for just me - and the best is John and I are getting regular date nights for the first time since Aiden's been born (a MUST in marriage!). It makes doing all the other stuff that isn't as easy to do (keeping up the house, working on challenging stuff for the church, etc.) so much more enjoyable.
I was sharing with John these thoughts on our date night last night. I told him it wasn't that I needed an equal amount of time spent between my spiritual, mental, emotional and physical selves, but rather, that what I needed what was a good "blend" of all for me to thrive. I think everyone has a need for these areas to be fulfilled in their lives. If one is lacking, it seems all are lacking. We all seem to have our own unique mix of time spent in each area that lets us get to a place where we thrive personally, and our goal is to keep fighting to get back to this place when we start to lose grip of it. It seems it's alway a battle to keep our priorities in line in life, but I am glad that there are times we can attain and enjoy that achievement, even if it may escape us again due to circumstances. The one thing is, we always want to aim to get back to that place even if we lose it from time to time.
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